4 Week Learning Sequence


Site Created by Christopher Waugh, February 2012


Department of English

Grammar Project



Project Pedagogy

A new initiative for 2012, The London Nautical School English Department is working with researchers from Exeter University to develop an in-context grammar-in-writing programme. This page contains the plans and sequences that have arisen from that project


Individual Grammar Lesson Documents

  1. Lesson One: Grammar Project - Lesson Plan 1 - Mood and Noun Phrases.pdf


The London Nautical School, in partnership with Exeter University, has embarked on an ambitious project that embeds the explicit teaching of grammar into the context of narrative writing for Key Stage Three students. These pages are designed to help plot our progress on this journey deep into the structure of our language.


  1. Computer Room Booking Form - click here

  2. London Nautical School Main Site - www.lns.org.uk

  3. Launch Pages for Mr Waugh’s English Class Sites - www.chris.net.nz/nautical

  4. Mr Jones’ “Orwell Sessions” Online Journal - andrewstephenjones.wordpress.com

  5. The Nautical Film Club - nauticalfilmclub.wordpress.com